Most Wanted Inorganic Chemistry for JEE and NEET: 10+ Tricks

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Last Updated on February 15, 2025 by Chirag Gupta

This post is a comprehensive document that covers essential tricks in inorganic chemistry for JEE and NEET exams. This resource provides a tricks to learn key concepts and principles in the subject. Students preparing for these exams get benefit greatly from this comprehensive guide.

Most wanted Inorganic Chemistry for JEE and NEET

Electrochemical Series

ElementTrickElectrode Reaction (Reduction)Standard Electrode Reduction Potential E° (in volt)
LiLikeLi+ + e → Li-3.05
KKareenaK+ + e → K-2.925
CaCanCa2+ + 2e– → Ca-2.87
NaNotNa+ + e → Na-2.714
MgMemorizeMg2+ + 2e → Mg-2.37
AlAllAl3+ + 3e → Al-1.66
ZnZoologyZn2+ + 2e → Zn-0.7628
CrCr3+ + 3e → Cr-0.74
FeImportantFe2+ + 2e → Fe-0.44
CdConceptsCd2+ + 2e → Cd-0.403
NiNoNi+ + 2e → Ni-0.25
SnStudentSn2+ + 2e → Sn-0.14
H2Has2H+ + 2e → H20.00 (Standard)
CuCompleteCu2+ + 2e → Cu+0.337
I2Information ofI2 + 2e → 2I+0.535
AgSilverAg+ + e → Ag+0.799
HgMercuryHg2+ + 2e → Hg+0.885
Br2BecauseBr2 + 2e → 2Br+1.08
Cl2ChemistryCl2 + 2e → 2Cl+1.36
AuAu3+ + 3e → Au+1.50
F2FlowsF2 + 2e → 2F+2.87

Trick: Like Kareena Can Not Memorize All Zoology Important Concepts, No student Has Complete Information in Silver Mercury Because Chemistry Flows

Amphoteric Oxides

ZnO, Al2O3, BeO, Cr2O3, Ga2O3, PbO, SnO

Trick: जनाबे अली ने बेकार गाया पंजाबी गाना (song)

Acidic Radicals

Dilute acid group: HCO3, CO32-, CH3COO, NO2, S2O32-, SO32-, S2-

Concentrated acid group: Cl, Br, I, NO3, C2O42-, BO33-, F

Special group: SO42-, PO43-, MnO4, CrO42-, Cr2O72-

Basic Radicals

IAg+, Hg22+, Pb2+
II AHg2+, Pb2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Bi3+
II BAs3+, Sb3+, Sn2+, Sn4+
IIIFe3+, Cr3+, Al3+
IVMn2+, Co2+. Ni2+, Zn2+
VBa2+, Sr2+, Ca2+
VINa+, K+, Mg2+

Sulphides of II A group is not soluble in yellow ammonium sulphide whereas sulphides of II B are soluble in yellow ammonium sulphide.

n-factor of KMnO4 in different medium


Bases stronger than Hydroxide ion

Ion Formula/NameTrick
O2/SuperoxideSO (HOPe SO)
NH2/AmideAustralia mein

Complex compounds to remember

  1. Na3[Ag(S2O3)2]
  2. Na4[Cu6(S2O3)5]
  3. Na3[Bi(S2O3)3]

Exceptions of Chromyl Chloride Test


Reaction of Metals with Nitric Acid

Following metals become passive with nitric acid:


Following metals will give NH4NO3 on reaction with dilute and very dilute nitric acid:


Following metals will give H2 gas on reaction with concentrated nitrile acid:


Test for Co2+ ion

CoO + ZnO CoO.ZnORinmann’s Green
CoO + MgO CoO.MgOCobalt Pink
CoO + Al2O3 CoO.Al2O3Thenard Blue
CoO + SnO CoO.SnOCobalt Green

Metals and Its Occurence

LithiumSpodumene LiAlSi2O6
Lepidolite (Li, Na, K)2Al2(SiO3)3.(F, OH)
SodiumRock salt NaCl
Feldspar Na3AlSiO8
MagnesiumCarnallite KCl.MgCl2.6H2O
Magnesite MgCO3
CalciumLime stone CaCO3
Dolomite MgCO3.CaCO3
Gypsum CaSO4.2H2O
CopperCopper pyrite CuFeS2
Cuprite Cu2O
Melachite CuCO3.Cu(OH)2
AluminiumBauxite Al2O3.2H2O
Cryolite Na3AlF6
Alumino silicates
ZincZinc blende or Sphalerite ZnS
Calamine ZnCO3
LeadGalena PbS
TinCassiterite SnO2
SilverArgentite Ag2S
Hornsilver AgCl
GoldNative, small amount in mangnese ores such as those of Cu and Ag
ChromiumChromite Cr2O3.FeO

Trick to Learn Periodic Table

Visit here: Best Tricks to Remember Periodic Table | English & Hindi

Famous Process and Related Metals

ProcessRelated Metal
PolingCu, Sn
Parkes processAg
Pattinson processAg
Cupellation processAg
Baeyer’s processAl
Serpek’s processAl
Hall’s processAl
Siemen’s Martins open hearth processFe
Bessemer’s processFe

Ore – Chemical Formula and its Name

Chemical Formula of OreName of Ore
Cu2OCuprite or Ruby copper
SnO2Tinstone or Casseterite
FeCr2O4 (FeO + Cr2O3)Chromite
Na2B4O7.10H2OBorax or Tincal
U3OxPitch Blende
ZnSZinc blende or Sphalerite
Cu2SCopper glance or Chalcocite
CuFeS2Copper pyrite or Chalcopyrite
FeS2Iron pyrite or Fool’s gold
Ag2SSilver glance or Argentite
NaClRock salt
AgClHorn Silver
Cu(OH)2.CuCO3 or Cu2(OH)2CO3Malachite or Basic Copper carbonate
MgSO4.7H2OEpsom salt
Na2SO4.10H2OGlauber salt
KNO3Indian Salt Peter
NaNO3Chile Salt Peter

Metals in Living Entities

(a) Magnesium is found in chlorophyll.

(b) Potassium is present in plant roots.

(c) Manganese, Iron and Copper are present in chloroplast.

(d) Zinc is present in eyes of cats and cows.

(e) Iron is present in haemoglobin.

(f) Calcium is present in bones.

(g) Vanadium is present in cucumber.

(h) Chromium is present in prawn.

(i) Cobalt is present in cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12).

Alloys and their composition

AlloyPercentage CompositionUses
MagneliumAl: 98%, Mg: 2%Making balance
DuraluminAl: 95%, Cu: 4%, Mg: 0.5%, Mn: 0.5%Aircraft parts, Boat machinery
Aluminium bronzeAl: 10%, Cu: 90%Making coins, photo frames, utensils, golden paints
AlnicoAl: 20%, Ni: 20%, Co: 10%, Steel: 50%Permanent magnet
γ-AlloyAl: 92%, Cu: 4%, Mg: 1.5%, Ni: 2.5%Pistons and machine parts
NickeloyAl: 95%, Cu: 4%, Ni: 1%Aircraft parts
PewterPb: 20%, Sn: 80%Utensils
SolderPb: 50%, Sn: 50%Soldering
Type metalPb: 75%, Sn: 5%, Sb: 20%Printing type
Bell metalCu: 80%, Sn: 20%Making bells
Babbit metalSn: 90%, Sb: 7%, Cu: 3%Bearing of machinery
Frary metalPb: 97%, Ba: 2%, Ca: 1%Bearing of machine
Lino type metalPb: 83%, Sn: 3%, Sb: 14%Printing type
BrassCu: 70%, Zn: 30%Utensils
BronzeCu: 88-96%, Sn: 4-12%Utensils, Coins, Statues
Monel metalCu: 27%, Ni: 68%, Fe: 5%Making pumps, turbines of ships, boilers, etc.
German silverCu: 50%, Zn: 30%, Ni: 20%Flower vase and ornaments
ElectronMg: 95%, Zn: 4.5%, Cu: 0.5%Parts of aeroplane and motor cars
Dutch metalCu: 80%, Zn: 20%Golden yellow colour used for decorative purpose
NichromeNi, Cr, Fe
Gun metalCu: 87%, Zn: 3%, Sn: 10%
ConstantanCu: 60%, Ni: 40%
Artificial GoldCu: 90%, Al: 10%
14 Carat GoldAu: 54%, Ag: 14-30%, Cu: 12-28%
24 Carat GoldAu: 100%

Important Compounds with Their Formulae

Name of the CompoundFormula of the Compound
Epsom saltMgSO4.7H2O
Gypsum saltCaSO4.2H2O
Glauber’s saltNa2SO4.10H2O
Lime water or Slaked limeCa(OH)2
Quick limeCaO
Washing sodaNa2CO3.10H2O
Crystal carbonateNa2CO3.H2O
Soda ashNa2CO3
Baking sodaNaHCO3
Turn Bull’s blueFe3[Fe(CN)6]2
Chile salt petreNaNO3
Indian salt petre or Nitre ot Chemical refrigerantKNO3
Brine or Table salt ot Rock saltNaCl
Potash ash or Pearl ashK2CO3
Norwegian salt petreCa(NO3)2
Salt cakeK2SO4
Borax or TincalNa2B4O7.10H2O
Barytes or Heavy spar or Barium mealBaSO4
Microcosmic saltNaNH4HPO4.4H2O
Fusion mixtureNa2CO3 + K2CO3
Gun powderKNO3 + K2CO3
Pink salt(NH4)2SnCl6
Laughing gas or Nitrous oxideN2O
Red LeadPb3O4
Blue vitriolCuSO4.7H2O
Green vitriolFeSO4.7H2O
Chinese WhiteZnO
Philosopher’s woolZnO
Oil of vitiriolH2SO4
Mohr’s salt or FASFeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O
Lunar causticAgNO3
Corrosive SublimateHgCl2
Potash AlumK2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O
Chrome AlumK2SO4.Cr2(SO4)3.24H2O
Ferric AlumFe2(SO4)3.(NH4)2SO4.24H2O
Chrome Lemon or Yellow chromePbCrO4
Cementitte or Iron CarbideFe2C
Nessler’s reagentK2HgI4
Lead sugar(CH3COO)2Pb
White leadPb(OH)2.2PbCO3
Rock phosphateCa3(PO4)2
Rochelle saltNaOOCCH(OH)CH(OH)COOK
Flour sparCaF2
Sorel’s cementMgCl2.5HgO.H2O
LithoponeBaSO4 + ZnS
Tough pitch copper99.5% pure copper
Lead pencilGraphite (C)
Aqua regiaConc. HNO3 + Conc. HCl (1:3 ratio)
Ammonium alum(NH4)2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O
Sodium alumNa2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O
Prussian blueFe4[Fe(CN)6]3
Baking powderNaHCO3 + Tartaric acid
Plaster of Paris2CaSO4.H2O
Killed salt or Butter of zincZnCl2.2H2O
Oxymuriate or Butter of TinSnCl4.5H2O
Bourdex mixtureCuSO4 (40%) + Lime (60%)
Candy fluidKMnO4
Per HydrolH2O2
White vitriolZnSO4.7H2O
Sal ammonicNH4Cl
Smelling salt(NH4)2SO4
Fruit saltMg(HCO3)2
Red chromePbCrO4.PbO
Sorel cementMgCl2.5MgO.xH2O
Muriatic acidHCl
Aqua fortisHNO3
Inorganic graphite(BN)x
Inorganic benzeneB3N3H6
Boric acidH3BO3
Indian redFe2O3
Indian yellow or Fishcer saltK3[Co(NO2)6]
Smuglling agentNa[Ag(CN)2]
Caro’s acidH2SO5
Marshells acidH2S2O7
Tear gasCCl3.NO2
Ziese saltK[Pt(η2-C2H4)Cl3]H2O
Vaska’s compoundtrans-[Ir(Cl)(CO)(PPh3)2]
Cobalt cene[Co(η5-C5H5)2]
Magnesia alba (used in tooth powder and tooth paste)MgCO3.Mg(OH)2.3H2O
Portland cementHomogeneous mixture of silicates and aluminates of calcium

Important Facts to Remember

Lowest electronegativityCesium (Cs), Francium (Fr)
Highest electronegativityFluorine
Highest ionisation potentialHelium
Lowest ionisation potentialCs, Fr
Lowest electron affinityNoble gases
Highest electron affinityChlorine
Lowest electropositive elementFluorine
Lowest melting point metalMercury (Hg)
Highest melting and boiling point metalTungsten (W)
Lowest melting and boiling point non-metalHelium
Notorious elementHydrogen
Lighest elementHydrogen
Smallest atomic sizeHydrogem
Largest atomic sizeCs
Largest anionI
Smallest cationH+
Most electropositive elementCs, Fr
Volatile d-block elementsZn, Cd, Hg
Most stable elementTellurium
Highest density metalOsmium (Os), Iridium (Ir)
Highest density non-metalBoron
Total number of radioactive element in the periodic table25
Liquid element of radioactive natureFrancium
Element containing no neutronHydrogen
Most abundant element on earthOxygen
Rarest element on earthAstatine (At)
Most abundant metal on earthAluminium
Metal showing highest oxidation stateOs (+8)
Most electrovalent compoundCsF
Most stable carbonateCs2CO3
Strongest alkaliCsOH
Strongest basic oxideCs2O
Best electricity conductor among metalsSilver (Ag)
Best electricity conductor among non-metalsGraphite
Elements having maximum tendency for catenationCarbon
Three most electronegative elementsFON (F > O > N)
Group containning maximum number of gaseous elements in the periodic tableZero group
Amphoteric non-metalSilicon (Si)
Liquid non-metalBromine (Br)
Element sublime on heatingIodine (I2)
Noble metalsAu, Ag, Pt
Some polymeric elementsO, S, P
Poorest conductor of electricityDiamond
Hardest naturally occuring substanceDiamond
Lightest solid metalLithium
90% of Sun massHydrogen
Dry bleacherH2O2
Dry iceSolid CO2
Element having maximum isotopesTin (Sn) (10 isotopes)
Oldest known organic acidCH3COOH
Total number of solid elements in the periodic table89
Amphoteric metalBe, Zn, Al, Sn, Pb
First man made elementTechnicium
Smallest period in the periodic tablePeriod 1 (contains 2 elements)
Largest period in the periodic tablePeriod 6 (contains 32 elements)
Largest group in the periodic tableGroup IIIB
Most abundant d-block metalIron (Fe)
Most abundant s-block metalCalcium (Ca)
Most poisonous elementPlutonium
Element kept in waterPhosphorous
Neutral oxides of non metalsNO, CO, H2O, N2O
Non-metals having metallic lustureGraphite, Iodine
Heaviest naturally occuring elementsUranium
Non-metal having highest melting and boiling pointCarbon (Diamond)
Total number of gaseous elements in the periodic table11 (H, N, O, F, Cl, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn)
Total number of liquid elements in the periodic table5 (Ga, Br, Cs, Hg, Fr)
Elements kept in keroseneGroup 1 elements (e.g., Sodium)
Metalloid elementsB, Si, As, Te, At, Ge, Sb, etc.
Amphoteric oxidesBeO, Al2O3, ZnO, PbO, SnO2, Sb2O3, etc.
Artificial explosiveTNT, RDX
Some isomorphous substancesFeSO4.7H2O, MgSO4.7H2O, ZnSO4.7H2O
Some efflorescent substancesNa2CO3.10H2O, MgSO4.7H2O, etc.

Precipitate of Basic Radicals

1. Group I radicals are precipitated in the form of chlorides.

PrecipitateColour of Precipitate
AgCl, Hg2Cl2, PbCl2White

2. Group IIA and IIB are precipitated in the form of sulphides.

PrecipitateColour of Precipitate
HgS, PbS, Bi2S3Black
CdS, As2S3, SnS2Yellow

3. Group III radicals are precipitated in the form of hydroxides.

PrecipitateColour of Precipitate
Fe(OH)3Reddish brown
Al(OH)3Gel white

4. Group IV radicals are precipitated in the form of sulphides.

PrecipitateColour of Precipitate
CoS, NiSBlack

5. Group V radicals are precipitated in the form of carbonates.

PrecipitateColour of Precipitate
BaCO3, SrCO3, CaCO3White

Precipitation Chart

AnyHS, NO3, NO2, OCl, ClO2, ClO3, ClO4, HSO3, HCO3, CH3COOYesClO4 of NH4+, Rb+, Cs+, K+ are insoluble.
AgNO2 is insoluble.
CH3COOAg is partially soluble.
Na+AnyYesNa2SiO3 and Na2PbO3 are insoluble.
NH4+, Rb+, Cs+, K+AnyYesClO4-, [PbCl6]2-, [Co(NO2)6]3- are insoluble.
AnyCl, Br, IYesAg+, Cu22+, Pb2+, Hg22+ are insoluble.
CuBr2, PbCl2, HgCl2 are soluble in warming and reappear on cooling. HgBr2, HgI2, BiI3 are insoluble.
AnySO42-YesAg+, Sr2+,Ba2+, Pb2+, Hg22+, Ca2+, Sn2+ are partially soluble.
AnyO2-, C2O42-, OH, CO32-, F, PO43-NoNH4+, Na+, Rb+, Cs+, K+ are soluble.
BeF2, AgF are soluble
Oxides and Hydroxides of Ca and Ba are partially soluble.
AnyCN, OCN, SCN, S2-NoIA, IIA, and Al3+, NH4+ are soluble.
AnyCrO42- (similar to SO42-)YesSrCrO4 is soluble (same as sulphates)
AnyMnO4 (similar to ClO4)YesKMnO4 is soluble.

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