Ultimate ‘Difference Between’ Questions Guide for Class 9-12

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In this post, you will find the “difference between” questions which are asked in your exams for Class 9-12. These questions are designed to test your understanding and knowledge of various concepts. By comparing and contrasting different ideas, you will be able to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, answering these questions will help you improve your critical thinking skills and enhance your ability to analyze and evaluate information. So, take your time to read and answer these questions, and make the most out of this valuable learning opportunity!

difference between

Difference between An Orbit and An Orbital

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An orbit is a well defined circular path around nucleus in which the electrons are suppose to revolve.An orbital is the three dimensional space or around the nucleus having maximum probability of finding an electron (90-95%).
It represents the planar (1-D) motion of an electron around the nucleus.It represents the 3-D motion of an electron around the nucleus.
The concept of an orbit has nothing to do with the wave character of electrons and uncertainty principle.The concept of an orbit follows the wave character of electrons and uncertainty principle.
All orbits are circular.Different orbitals have different shapes, i.e., s-orbitals are spherically symmetrical, p-orbitals are dumb-bell shaped and so on.
The maximum number of electrons in any orbit is given by 2n2, where n is the number of the orbit.The maximum numbers of electrons in any orbital is two.

Difference between Sigma and Pi bond

Sigma BondPi Bond
It is formed by the overlapping of orbitals along with the inter-nuclear axis.It is formed by the lateral overlap of the orbitals.
It is a strong type of bond.It is a weak type of bond.
It involves the overlap of s-s, p-p, s-p orbitals.It involves the overlap of p-p or p-d orbitals.
Sigma bond consists of only one electron cloud.Pi bond consists of two electron clouds, one above and other below the internuclear axis.
Free rotation around a sigma bond is possible.Free rotation about a pi bond is not possible.
A compound may contain only sigma bond.Pi bond is never present alone. It is there along with the sigma bond.
Sigma bond overlapping produces an area of greater density between the two nuclei of atoms along the bond axis.Pi bond overlapping produces an area of greater density between the two nuclei of atoms by above and below the bond axis.
The extent of overlapping in sigma bond formation is greater than that in pi bond formation.The extent of overlapping in pi bond formation is lesser than that in sigma bond formation.

Difference between Atomic and Molecular Orbitals

Atomic orbitalMolecular orbital
Atomic orbital relates to an atom. The electron cloud surrounds an atom.It relates to a molecule. The electron cloud surrounds a molecule.
An orbital that surrounds only one nucleus is called atomic orbital.An orbital that surrounds more than one nucleus is called molecular orbital.
Atomic orbital may be pure or hybridised.Molecular orbital may be bonding or anti-bonding.
It has a simple shape like a sphere, dumb-bell. double dumb-bell, etc.It has a complicated shape.
Atomic orbitals are designated as s, p, d or f orbital.Molecular orbitals are designated by σ and π orbitals.
The electron involved belong to a particular atom.The electrons involved belong not to particular atom but to the molecule as a whole.
There is nothing like anti-bonding atomic orbital.There are bonding and anti-bonding molecular orbitals.
Example: s, p, d, f, sp2, sp3, sp3d, sp3d2, etc.Example: σ, σ*, π and π*.

Difference between Valence Theory and Molecular Orbital Theory

Valence TheoryMolecular Orbital Theory
A bond result from the overlapping of orbitals of comparable energies.A bond results from the overlapping of orbitals of comparable energies.
Electron charge resides in between the two atoms.Electron charge resides between the two atoms.
The atomic orbitals retain their identity in the molecule.The atomic orbitals lose their identity in the molecule.
It does not explain the paramagnetic nature of oxygen.It fully explains the paramagnetic nature of oxygen.
It explains behaviour of molecules in term of resonance.Resonance has no role to play in this theory.
It does not explain the existence of H2+ ion.It explains the possibility of existence of H2+ ion.

Difference between Bonding and Anti-Bonding Molecular Orbital

Bonding Molecular OrbitalAnti-Bonding Molecular Orbital
A bonding molecular orbital is formed by the reinforcing of electron waves of the two atoms.An anti-bonding molecular orbital is formed by the cancelling of electron waves of the atoms.
There is more electron density in the region between the nuclei of bonded atoms.There is less electron density in the region between the nuclei of the interacting atoms.
Every electron in the bonding molecular orbital contributes to the attraction between the two atoms.Every electron in the anti-bonding molecular orbital contributes to the repulsion between the two atoms.
It has lower energy than the atomic orbitals from which it is formed.It has higher energy than the atomic orbitals from which it is formed.
It results in more stable bond formation. A covalent bond is formed when bonding molecular orbital is filled by electron leaving anti-bonding molecular orbital.It results in less stable bond formation. No covalent bond is formed when equal number of bonding and anti-bonding molecular orbitals are filled completely.
It is formed when the lobes of the combining atomic orbitals have the same sign, either + sign or – sign.It is formed when the lobes of combining atomic orbitals have opposite sign, i.e., one lobe has + sign and other has – sign.
Example: σ and π.Example: σ* and π*.

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Difference between Electrochemical Cell and Electrolytic Cell

Electrochemical CellElectrolytic Cell
It is a device to convert chemical energy into electrical energy.It is a device to convert electrical energy into chemical energy.
It is based upon the redox reaction which is spontaneous.The redox reaction is non-spontaneous and takes place only when electrical energy is supplied.
Two electrodes are set up in two separate beakers.Both the electrodes are suspended in the solution of the electrolyte in the same beaker.
Different electrolytes are taken in the two beakers.Only the electrolyte is taken.
A salt bridge/porous pot is used.No salt bridge is used in this case.
The electrode on which oxidation takes place is called the anode and he electrode on which reduction takes place is called the cathode.The electrode which is connected to the negative terminal of the battery, is called the cathode. The cations migrate to it, which gains electrons, and hence, reduction takes place here. The other electrode is called the anode.

Difference between Rate of Reaction and Rate Constant

Rate of ReactionRate Constant
This stands for the rate of decrease of the concentration of the reactants or the rate of increase of concentration of the products with time.It is the rate of reaction when the product of concentration of the reactants is unity.
The rate of reaction is dependent upon the concentration of the reactants at the particular moment.Rate constant is independent of the concentration of the reactants. It, however, depends upon the temperature.
The unit of rate of reaction are moles litre-1 time-1.The unit of rate constant depend upon the order of reaction.

Difference between Order of Reaction and Molecularity

Order of ReactionMolecularity of Reaction
It is the sum of the powers to which concentration terms must be raised to express the rate equation.It is the number of atoms or molecules or ions taking part in a single step reaction.
It could be in whole number or in fraction or zero.It is always a whole number.
It can be obtained only from the experiment.It is obtained by adding up the coefficients of reactants in the reaction.
Order of complex reaction is equal to the order of the slowest step of the reaction.The overall molecularity of a complex reaction has no meaning. It is considered for simple elementary steps.

Difference between Photochemical and Thermochemical Reactions

Thermochemical ReactionsPhotochemical Reactions
These reactions involve absorption or evolution of heat.These reactions involve absorption of light.
They can take place even in the dark requisite for the reaction to take place.The presence of light is the primary requisite for the reaction to take place.
Temperature has marked effect on the rate of a thermochemical reaction. The rate increases by 2-3 times for every 10°C rise in the temperature.Temperature has very little effect on the rate of a photochemical reaction. Instead, the intensity of light has marked effect on the rate of a photochemical reaction.
They are accelerated in the presence of a catalyst.Some of them are initiated by the presence of a photosensitizer acts in different way from a catalyst.
The free energy change of a thermochemical reaction is always negative.The free energy change of a photochemical reaction may not be negative.

Difference between Ionic Compounds and Covalent Compounds

Ionic CompoundsCovalent Compounds
They are generally crystalline solids at room temperature.They are generally gases or liquids at room temperature. Compound having large molecules may be soft solids.
They have comparatively high melting point and boiling point.They have low melting point and boiling point. Most of them are volatile in nature.
The ions of these compounds are held together by powerful electrostatic forces.The molecules of these compounds are held together by weak Van-der Waal’s forces.
They are generally soluble in water but insoluble in organic solvents, such as benzene, chloroform, etc.They are generally insoluble in water, but soluble in organic solvents like chloroform, benzene, etc.
They conduct electricity in fused state or aqueous solution.They do not conduct electric current. Graphite is an exception whose molecules are held by covalent bonds.
The rate of chemical reactions in ionic compounds is very fast.The rate of chemical reactions in covalent compounds is very low.

Difference between m3 and dm3

It is the volume occupied by a cube, each edge of which is one meter long.It is the volume occupied by a cube, each edge of which is one decimeter long.
m3 is the abbreviation of cubic meter.dm3 is the abbreviation of cubic decimeter.
It is the SI unit of volume.It is also the SI unit of volume. It is the fraction of m3.
1m3 = 103 dm31 dm3 = 10-3 m3

Difference between Ideal Gases and Non-ideal/Real Gases

Ideal GasesNon-ideal/Real Gases
These are the gases which obey gas laws at all temperature and pressure.These are the gases which obey gas laws but only at high temperature and low pressure. These gases do not obey gas laws at low temperature and high pressure.
No such gas is known.All the known gases such as H2, O2, N2, He, CH4
, CO, CO2, etc. are non-ideal.
Whatever is the temperature and pressure, ideal gases do not attract each other.At low temperature and high pressure non-ideal gases attract each other.
Whatever is the temperature and pressure, actual volume of the molecule is negligible as compared to their volume in the gaseous state.At low temperature and high pressure, actual volume of the molecules is not negligible as compared to their volume in the gaseous state.
A graph between P on x-axis and PV on y-axis would be horizontal line parallel to x-axis.A graph between P on x-axis and PV on y-axis is not a horizontal line parallel to x-axis.

Difference between Isomorphism and Polymorphism

The phenomenon exhibited by two or more substances that have the same crystal structure is called isomorphism.The phenomenon exhibited by a substance which exists in two or more crystal forms under different conditions is called polymorphism.
The physical and chemical properties of isomorphous substances are quite different.The physical properties of different forms of a polymorphous substance are different but chemical properties are not same.
Isomorphous substances can be crystallized together to give mixed crystals.Different forms of a polymorphous substance can not be crystallized together to give mixed crystals. However, different forms of a polymorphous substance exist in equilibrium with each other.
Example: NaF and MgO in cubic form.Example: Sulphur exist in rhombic and monoclinic form.
Example: K2SO4 and K2SeO4 in orthorhombic form.Example: Silver metal exist in orthorhombic and rhombohedral form.

Difference between Natural and Artificial Radioactivity

Natural RadioactivityArtificial radioactivity
The phenomenon of a spontaneous emission of radiations from a radioactive substance is called natural radioactive. OR The substance which has the property of sending out radiation ultimately is called natural radioactive substance and the phenomenon is called natural radioactivity. OR The process of disintegration of unstable nucleus into the stable nuclie with the emission of radiation is called radioactivity.The phenomenon in which a non-radioactive element is made radioactive by bombardment of certain subatomic particle is called artificial radioactivity. OR The phenomenon in which isotopes of certain lighter elements are made radioactive by bombarding them with high energy alpha-particles is called artificial radioactivity.
This phenomenon is exhibited by heavier elements.This phenomenon is exhibited by lighter elements.
It takes long time to produce a new element.It takes short time to produce a new element.
92U23890Th234 + 2He4
90Th234 91Pa234 + -1e0
4Be9 + 2He4 6C12 + 0n1
13Al27 + 2He4 15P30 + 0n1
15P30 14Si30 + -1e0

Difference between Continuous Spectrum and Line Spectrum

Continuous SpectrumLine Spectrum
Continuous spectrum is one type.Line spectrum is of two types, i.e., line absorption and line emission spectrum.
It consists of a band of seven colors of rainbow.Line emission spectrum consists of coloured lines on the black background whereas line absorption spectrum consists of black lines on rainbow coloured background.
Seven colors of continuous spectrum diffused into each other.Neither the coloured lines of line emission spectrum nor the black lines of line absorption spectrum are diffused into each other.
Continuous spectra are emitted when solids, liquids or very highly compressed gases have been heated to incandescence. It is also produced by white light, i.e., sunlight and bulb light.Line emission spectra are emitted by atoms in the gaseous state that have absorbed extra energy. Line absorption spectra are emitted by radiations from which some radiations of particular wavelengths have absorbed by a substance.

Difference between Oxidation Number and Valency

Oxidation NumberValency
The apparent charge (positive, negative or zero) which an atom would have in a molecule or an ion is called oxidation state.The combining capacity of element with other element is called valency.
It can be whole number and fractional.It is always in whole number.
It can be zero.It cannot be zero with exception of noble gases.

Difference between Cation and Anion

The ion which has positive charge is called cation.The ion which has negative charge is called anion.
A cation is formed by the removal of electrons from an atom.An anion is formed by the addition of electrons to an atom.
A cation may carry charge which depends upon the number of electron lost, e.g., +1, +2, +3.An anion may carry charge which depends upon the number of electron gain, e.g., -1, -2, -3.
Formation of cation is an endothermic process.Formation of anion is a exothermic process.
Example: Na+, Mg2+, Al3+, etc.Example: F, O2-, N3-, etc.

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Difference between Reversible Reactions and Irreversible Reactions

Reversible ReactionsIrreversible Reactions
The reactions which do not proceed to completion even stoichiometric amounts of reactants are taken are called as reversible reactions.The reactions which proceed to completion when stoichiometric amounts of reactants are taken are called as irreversible reactions.
Reversible reactions are represented by arrows with opposite head, i.e., equilibrium sign (⇌).Irreversible reactions are represented by one arrow with single head, i.e., →
Products of reaction can react to form the original reactants.Products of reaction cannot react to form the original reactants.
These reactions take place in both direction.These reactions take place in one direction only.
Law of mass action is applied to reversible reactions.Law of mass action is not applied to irreversible reactions.
Le-Chatelier’s principle is applied to reversible reactions.Le-Chatelier’s principle is not applied to irreversible reactions.
Common ion effect is applied to reversible reactions.Common ion effect is not applied to irreversible reactions.
In these reaction, the reactants are not completely converted into products.In these reaction, the reactants are completely converted into products.
Example: H2 + I2 ⇌ 2HIExample: NaCl + AgNO3 → NaNO3 + AgCl

Difference between Metals and Non-metals

Metals have lustre shine surface.Non-metals have no lustre.
Metals conduct heat.Non-metals do not conduct heat.
Metals conduct electricity.Non-metals do not conduct electricity.
Metals reflect heat and light.Non-metals usually don’t reflect heat and light.
Metals are ductile and can be drawn into wire.Non-metals are non-ductile and cannot be drawn into wire.
Metals are malleable and can be drawn into sheets.Non-metals are non-malleable and cannot form sheets.

Difference between Mixture and Compounds

Mixture is a substance formed by the combination of two or more than two substances which combine physically in a variable proportion.Compound is a substance formed by the combination of two or more than two substances, which combine chemically in a fixed proportion.
Mixture is an impure substance.Compound is a pure substance.
It can be separated into its components by simple physical methods.It can not be separated into its components by simple physical methods.
Components of mixture do not loose their original properties in mixture.Components of mixture loose their original properties in mixture.
Its composition is not fixed.Its composition is fixed.
The melting point and boiling points of mixture are not sharp.The melting and boiling points of compound are sharp.
Formation of mixture is not accompanied by heat change.Formation of compound is accompanied by heat change.

Difference between Homogeneous and Heterogenous Mixture

Homogeneous MixtureHeterogeneous Mixture
Those mixtures, which have uniform composition throughout their mass are called homogeneous mixtures.Those mixtures, which do not have uniform composition throughout their mass, are called heterogeneous mixtures.
Homogeneous mixture has only one phase throughout its mass.Heterogeneous mixture has more than one phase throughout its mass.
Homogeneous mixtures are also known as solution.Heterogeneous mixtures are not solutions.
Example: Salt and Water, Sugar and Water.Example: Rocks, Soil, Food products.

Difference between Molecular and Empirical Formula

Molecular FormulaEmpirical Formula
Formula which shows the actual number of atoms of each element present in a molecule, is called molecular formula.Formula which shows the relative ratio of atoms of each element present in a molecule, is called empirical formula.
Molecular formula shows the structure of compound.Empirical formula can not show the structure of compound.
Two or more compounds can not have same molecular formula.Two or more compounds can have same empirical formula.
Molecular formula = n*Empirical formulaEmpirical formula = Molecular formula/n
It represents covalent compounds only.It represents an ionic compound as well as a covalent compound.

Difference between Symbol and Formula

A symbol is an abbreviation for the chemical name of an element and represents only one atom of the element.Representation of compound in terms of symbols, is called formula.
It represents one atom of the element.It represents atoms of same or different elements present in one molecule.
Symbol is written for element.Formula is written for elements or compounds.
Example: Na, Br, Cl, F, etc.Example: H2O, NH3, CO2, Cl2, H2, etc.

Difference between Gram Atom and Gram Molecule

Gram AtomGram Molecule
The atomic mass of an element expressed in grams is called gram atom.The molecular mass of any element or compound expressed in grams is called gram molecule.
It is associated with element only.It is associated with element and compound.
It is the mass of one atomic mole.It is the mass of one molecular mole.
One gram atom of any substance contain 6.022 * 1023 atoms.One gram molecule of any substance contain 6.022 * 1023 molecules.

Difference between Element and Compound

The substance in which all the atoms have the same atomic number.The substance composed of two or more elements in definite proportion by weight.
It is represented by symbol.It is represented by a chemical formula.
It consists of only one type of atoms.It consists of different type of atoms.
It can not be further divided by chemical method.It can be further divided by chemical methods.
Its ultimate unit is atom.Its ultimate unit is molecule.
Only a limited number of elements are known.The number of compounds known are limitless.
It has definite position in the periodic table.It has no definite position in the periodic table.
Its properties are same as those of constituent particles, e.g., Carbon, Silver, Gold, etc.Its properties are different from constituent particles, e.g., H2O, NaCl, NH3, SO2, etc.

Difference between Atom and Molecule

It is the smallest particle of an element which can enter into a chemical reaction.It is the smallest particle of a substance which can exist and show all the properties of the substance.
It is represented by a symbol of the element.It is represented by a molecular formula of the substance.
It shows the properties of the element.It shows the properties of the substance.
It retains its identity in a chemical reaction.It does not retain its identity in a chemical substance.

Difference between Mass and Weight

It is the amount of matter in a body.It is the force with which the earth attracts towards its center.
It is a constant quantity.It is a variable quantity.
It is a scalar quantity.It is a vector quantity.
It cannot be zero.It can become zero, e.g., in vaccum.
Its unit is gram and kilogram.Its unit is dyne and Newton.
It is independent of other bodies.It depends on the mass of the earth and the distance of that body from the center of the earth.
It is determined by means of a chemical balance.It is determined by means of a spring balance.
It is related with weight as m =W/gIt is the product if mass and acceleration due to gravity, W=mg

Difference between Formula Unit and Molecule

Formula UnitMolecule
The smallest collection in molecule is called formula unit.The chemical combination of atoms that can exist independently is called a molecule.
It represents the simple relative number of atoms of elements present in the compound.It shows the exact number of the atoms present in the compound.
This term is used for the ionic as well as covalent compounds.It is derived by the relationship, Molecular formula = n * Empirical Formula.
Example: Formula unit of sodium chloride is NaCl.Example: Molecular formula of water is H2O.

Difference between Formula Weight and Molecular Weight

Formula WeightMolecular Weight
It is the sum of the atomic weight of atoms within as empirical formula of a compound.It is the sum of atomic weight of atoms within a molecular formula of a compound.
It is based in formula unit of a substance.It is based on molecular formula of a substance.
Formula weight of those substances are taken which exist in a network arrangement. They may be ionic or covalent compounds.Molecular weights are taken for those substances which exist in molecular form. They are always covalent substances.
Formula weight of a substance expressed in grams is called gram formula.Molecular weight of a substance expressed in grams is called gram molecule.
Formula weight of NaCl is 58.5 u.Molecular weight of H2O is 18 u.

Difference between Celsius Scale and Fahrenheit Scale

Celsius ScaleFahrenheit Scale
Scale of temperature in which melting point of ice is marked as ‘0’ (zero) and boiling point of water is marked as ‘100’ and the interval between these two points is divided into 100 equal divisions is called Celsius scale.Scale of temperature in which melting point of ice is marked as ’32’ and boiling point of water is marked is ‘212’ and the interval between these two points is divided into 180 equal divisions is called Fahrenheit scale.
On celsius scale, boiling point of water is 100°C.On fahrenheit scale, boiling point of water is 212°F.
On celsius scale, melting point of ice is 0°C.On fahrenheit scale, melting point of ice is 32°F.
On celsius scale, interval between melting and boiling point of water is divided into 100 equal parts.On fahrenheit scale, internal between melting and boiling point of water is divided into 180 equal parts.

Difference between Density and Specific Gravity

DensitySpecific Gravity
Mass per unit volume is called density.It is the ration of mass of a substance to the mass of an equal volume of water at a specified temperature.
Density = Mass/VolumeSpecific gravity = Mass of a substance/Mass of equal volume of water
Unit of density is kg/m3 or g/cm3 or g/ml.Since it is a ratio of two similar quantities, therefore it has no unit.

Difference between Atomic Mass and Molecular Mass

Atomic MassMolecular Mass
Number of times one atom of an element is heavier than one twelfth of one atom of carbon is called atomic mass.The molecular mass of a molecule or a compound is the sum of atomic mass of all atoms present in a molecule or compound.
Atomic mass is the sum of mass of protons and neutrons present in one atom of an element.Molecular mass is the sum of masses of atoms present in one molecule.
Atomic mass is the mass of one atom of an element.Molecular mass is the mass of one molecule or a compound.
Example: Atomic mass of oxygen is 16 u.Example: Molecular mass of oxygen gas = 32 u

Difference between Exothermic Reactions and Endothermic Reactions

Exothermic ReactionsEndothermic Reactions
Exo means outside and thermo means heat.Endo means inside and thermo means heat.
Those chemical reactions in which heat energy is evolved are called exothermic reactions.Those chemical reactions in which energy is absorbed are called endothermic reactions.
In exothermic reactions, the enthalpy of products is lower than the reactants. ΔH is, therefore, negative for exothermic reaction.In endothermic reactions, the enthalpy of products is higher than the reactants. ΔH is, therefore, positive for endothermic reaction.
During exothermic reaction, the system becomes warmer and net potential energy of substances decreases.During endothermic reaction, the system becomes colder and net potential energy of substances increases.
The energy is evolved during these reactions.The energy is absorbed during these reactions.
In these reactions, the temperature of reaction increases.In these reactions, the temperature of reaction decreases.

Difference between Neutralization and Hydrolysis

It is the reaction between an acid and a base.It is the reaction between a salt and water.
In neutralization, bond is formed between H+ of acid and OH of base.In hydrolysis, H-OH bond of water is broken down.
In neutralization, salt and water are formed.In hydrolysis, an acid and a base are formed.
Example: HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2OExample: FeCl3 + H2O → Fe(OH)3 + 3HCl

Difference between Physical Properties and Chemical Properties

Physical PropertiesChemical Properties
The physical properties of a substance are those characteristics which serve to distinguish it from other substance but do not deal with its ability to undergo chemical changes.The chemical properties of a substance indicate the ability of a substance to undergo chemical changes.
These are related to the physical state of matter.These are related to the chemical change of a substance.
Example: Formation of ice from water, formation of a magnet from iron, etc.Example: Burning of paper, rusting of iron, etc.

Difference between Physical Changes and Chemical Changes

Physical ChangeChemical Change
The change in which the composition remains same is called as physical change.The change in which composition does not remain same is called as chemical change.
The properties of the substance are not changed.The properties of the substance formed are entirely different from its constituents.
It is a temporary change.It is a permanent change.
It can be reversed easily.It cannot be reversed easily.
Electrons are not involved in these changes, e.g., boiling of water, melting of ice, formation of magnet from iron, lightning of electric bulb, etc.Electrons are involved in these changes, e.g., rusting of iron, burning of paper, digestion of food, etc.

Difference between Hydration and Hydrolysis

The process in which water molecules surround the solute ions or molecules is called hydration.The process in which an ionic solid reacts chemically with water producing H+ and OH ions is called hydrolysis.
There is no chemical reaction between solute and water molecules.The reaction between solute ions and water molecules occur.
In the crystalline state of an ionic salt, there is definite number of water molecules as a part of the crystal.The solution of salts in water may be acidic or basic, depending upon the extent of hydrolysis.
Example: Washing soda (Na2CO3.10H2O), copper sulphate pentahydrate (CuSO4.5H2O)Example: CO32- + H2O HCO3 + OH

Difference between Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte

Electrolytes conduct electricity in molten or in solution form.Non-electrolytes do not conduct electric current in molten or solution form.
These form positive and negative ions when dissolved in water, e.g., NaCl form Na+ and Cl ions when dissolved in water.These do not form positive or negative ions when dissolved in water, e.g., Urea, Sugar, Glucose.
Chemical changes occur when electric current is passed through the electrolyte.No chemical change occurs in them in passing current.
Generally these are ionic or polar covalent compounds.Generally, these are non-polar covalent compounds.

Difference between Strong Electrolyte and Weak Electrolyte

Strong ElectrolyteWeak Electrolyte
The compound which ionizes to a large extent in a dilute aqueous solution, is called strong electrolyte.The compound which ionizes to a smaller extent in a dilute aqueous solution, is called weak electrolyte.
Their degree of dissociation is very high.Their degree of dissociation is very low.
Strong electrolytes conduct electric current to a large extent.Weak electrolyte conducts electric current to a smaller extent.
Example: HCl, NaOH, NaCl, etc.Example: Acetic acid, Benzoic acid, etc.

Difference between Properties of IA Group and VIIA Group Elements

Properties of IA GroupProperties of VIIA Group
The elements of group IA are called alkali metals.The elements of group VIIA are called halogens.
Alkali means ash.Halogen means salt producer.
Elements of this group occupy a position on the left side of the periodic table.Elements of this group occupy a position on the right side of the periodic table.
They are monoatomic.They are diatomic.
They exist in solid metallic state.Some of these exist in gaseous state, some in liquid and some in solid state.
Outermost shell of these elements is incomplete having one electron.Outermost shell of these elements is incomplete having seven electrons.
Elements of this group are strongly electropositive.Elements of this group are strongly electronegative.
Valency is +1.Valency is -1.

Difference between Alkali Metals and Alkaline Earth Metals

Alkali MetalsAlkaline Earth Metals
Alkali metals have one electron in their valence shell.Alkaline earth metals have two electrons in their valence shell.
Alkali metals are soft, having low melting point and boiling point.Alkaline earth metals are hard, having high melting point and boiling point.
Alkali metals are lighter than water.Alkaline earth metals are heavier than water.
Alkali metals react vigorously with water at room temperature forming strong alkalis.Alkaline earth metals react less vigorously with water. However, on heating, they reacts with water to form weak bases.
Alkali metals are highly electropositive and metallic in nature.Alkaline earth metals are less electropositive and less metallic than alkali metals due to smaller atomic sizes.

Difference between Ionic Bond and Covalent Bond

Ionic BondCovalent Bond
Ionic bond is formed by complete transfer of electrons from one atom to another atom.Covalent bond is formed by the mutual sharing of electrons between them.
Ionic bond is always formed between different atoms, e.g., NaCl, KBr, KCl, KI, etc.Covalent bond may be formed between similar or dissimilar atoms, e.g., H2, O2, HCl, CH4 etc.
In ionic bond, bonded atoms have very large electronegativity and ionisation enthalpy difference.In covalent bond, bonded atoms have very small electronegativity and ionisation enthalpy difference.
This bond is usually formed between metals and non-metals.This bond is usually formed between non-metals only.
This bond is very strong.This bond is comparaitively less strong.
As a result of this bond, ionic compounds are formed.As a result of this bond, covalent compounds are formed.
It is always formed between two different atoms.It is formed between similar and different typer of atoms.
It is formed when difference of electronegativity of combining atoms is 1.7 or more.It is formed when the difference of electronegativity of combining atoms is less than 1.7.

Difference between Ionic Compounds and Covalent Compounds

Ionic CompoundsCovalent Compounds
The ionic compounds are usually solid, hard and brittle.Covalent compounds exist in all the three states, i.e., gas, liquid and solid.
The ionic compounds are good conductors of electricity, either in fused state or in the form of aqueous solution.A pure covalent compound does not conduct electricity.
Ionic compounds have high melting points and boiling points.These have usually low melting and boiling points.
Ionic compounds are non-volatile.Covalent compounds are mostly volatile.
These are soluble in water.These are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents.

Difference between Co-ordinate Covalent Bond and Covalent Bond

Co-ordinate Covalent BondCovalent Bond
It is a bond in which the shared electron pair is donated by one atom only.It is a bond formed by the mutual sharing of electrons.
One atoms donates electrons but other have no contribution.In the shared electron pair both atoms have equal contribution.
Lewis acids and bases always form this bond.Lewis acids and bases do not form this bond.
It is represented by ‘→’ from donor atom to acceptor atom.It is represented by ‘—’ between two bonded atoms.
It is formed by the completely filled atomic orbitals.It is formed by the overlap of partially filled atomic orbitals.

Difference between Polar and Non-Polar Covalent Bond

Polar Covalent BondNon-Polar Covalent Bond
The covalent bond between two atoms having different electronegativity is called a polar covalent bond.The covalent bond between two atoms having same electronegativity is called a non-polar covalent bond.
In polar bond, the shared electron pair is not equally attracted by the bonded atoms.In non-polar bond, the shared electron pair is equally attracted by the bonded atoms.
Bonded atoms become slightly charged and acquire positive and negative charges.Bonded atoms remain electrically neutral and do not acquire partial charges.
In this bond, distribution of electron cloud is asymmetrical.In this bond, distribution of electron cloud is symmetrical.
It has an ionic character.It has no ionic character.
The bond energy is greater.The bond energy is smaller.
Example: Bond energy of H-Cl is 431 KJ/mol.Example: Bond energy of Cl-Cl is 243 KJ/mol.

Difference between Diamond and Graphite

In diamond, each carbon atom is bonded with four other carbon atoms through covalent bond. In graphite. each carbon atom is bonded by covalent bond with three other carbon atoms. The fourth valency is free which makes
graphite good conductor of electricity.
The arrangement of bond is tetrahedral.The arrangement of bond is hexagonal.
It is transparent and bright.It is greyish-black.
It is the hardest of all naturally occurring substances.It is very soft.
It is bad conductor of electricity.It is good conductor of electricity.
It is not used as electrode.It is used as electrodes in many electrolytic processes.

Difference between Oxidation and Reduction

Addition of oxygen in a substance is called oxidation.Removal of oxygen from a substance is called reduction.
Removal of hydrogen from a substance is called oxidation.Addition of hydrogen in a substance is called
The loss or removal of electrons from a substance is called oxidation.Addition of electron in a substance is called reduction.
In oxidation positive charge increase on the species.In reduction positive charge decrease on the species.
Generally oxidation takes place at electropositive species.Generally reduction takes place at electronegative species.
During electrolysis oxidation takes at anode.During electrolysis reduction takes place at cathode.

Difference between Oxidising Agent and Reducing Agent

Oxidising AgentReducing Agent
The donor oxygen to a substance is called an oxidizing agent.The acceptor of oxygen from a substance is called a reducing agent.
The acceptor of hydrogen from a substance is called an oxidizing agent.The donor of hydrogen to a substance is called a reducing agent.
The acceptor of electrons from a substance is called an oxidizing agent.The donor of electrons to a substance is called a reducing agent.
Oxidizing agents are electropositive in nature.Reducing agents arc electronegative in nature.
Oxidizing agents are electrophiles.Reducing agents are nucleophiles.

Difference between Electrolytic Cell and Galvanic or Voltaic Cell

Electrolytic CellGalvanic or Voltaic Cell
It is a device for converting electrical energy into chemical energy. It means by passing current through an electrolyte, chemical reaction takes place. It is a device for converting chemical energy into electrical energy. It means spontaneous redox reaction is used for the production of electric current. This cell was prepared by L. Galvani and A. Volta. hence named as Galvanic or Voltaic Cell.
It consists of a vessel containing an electrodes and a source of direct current (battery).It consists of two half-cells. Each half cell consists of an electrode and the solution with which it is in contact.
Example: Electrolysis of Aqueous solution of NaCl.Example: Daniel cell.

Difference between Crystalline Solids and Amorphous Solids

Crystalline SolidsAmorphous Solids
Particles of crystalline solids are arranged in an orderly three dimensional network called crystal lattice, hence they have definite shape.Particles of amorphous solids are not arranged in a definite pattern. hence they do not have a definite shape.
Crystalline solids have sharp melting point, this is because attractive forces between particles are long range and uniform. These forces breakdown at the same instant, at melting point.Amorphous solids melt over a wide range of temperature, i.e., they do not have sharp melting point, because the intermolecular forces vary from place to place.
The breakage of a big crystal into smaller crystals of identical shape is called cleavage. The plane which contains the direction of cleavage is called cleavage plane.Amorphous solids do not break down at fixed cleavage planes.
Physical properties of crystals such as electrical conductivity, refractive index, etc. are different in different direction. This property is called anisotropy, e.g., graphite can conduct electricity parallel to its plane of layers but not perpendicular to plane.Amorphous solids are isotropic, i.e., their physical properties are same in all directions.
When crystalline solids are rotated about an axis, their appearance does not change, they possess symmetry.Amorphous solids are unsymmetrical.

Difference between Accuracy and Precision

The term accuracy refers to how closely an experimental observation lie to the true value or actual value.The term precision refers to how closely different measurements of the same quantity come to each other.
Smaller the difference between the experimental value and true value, greater would be the accuracy.Smaller the difference between two measurements, greater would be the precision.
Accuracy depends on both the capacity of the instrument and the skill of the worker.Precision depends on the capacity of the instrument.

Difference between Intensive Properties and Extensive Properties

Intensive PropertiesExtensive Properties
Properties of a system which are independent on the amount of substance present in the system, are called intensive properties.Properties of a system which are dependent on the amount of substance present in the system, are called intensive properties.
Purity of material can be tested with the help of intensive property.Purity of material can not be tested with the help of extensive property.
Density, pressure, temperature, viscosity, surface tension, refractive index, melting point and boiling point are intensive properties.Mass, volume, mole, enthalpy and internal energy are extensive properties.

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